Happy and Forever
Elder Gerrit W. Gong
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
“Happy and Forever”
Elder Gong teaches that as we follow God's plan for us, we will find eternal joy with out families.
Being “happy and forever” isn’t just in fairy tales. “True, enduring joy and eternity with those we love are the very essence of God’s plan of happiness.”
Christ can heal wounded relationships.
The scriptures and experiences of healing and peace underscore 5 doctrinal principles:
Central in God’s plan, Jesus Christ through His
Atonement (at one ment) with Christ can bring harmony with him and with each other
God knows and loves us perfectly. He knows our hearts. Obeying mission standards and the commandments invites the spirit
We become more like Him by offering proxy service to those who cannot do the ordinances for themselves. Saviors on mount Zion.
Golden Rule teaches “a sanctifying symmetry in repentance and forgiveness invites us to offer others that which we ourselves need and desire.”
With Savior’s help, we can surrender our pride, our hurts, our sins to God.