Let Doing Good Be Our Normal
Elder Rafael E. Pino
General Authority Seventy
“Let Doing Good Be Our Normal”
Elder Pino suggests four habits to help member oof the Church stay on the covenant path.
What is normal for some, may be strange to others, depending on their customs and traditions.
“Marvelous habits” should be the normal for Latter-day Saints:
Study Scripture personally and with family daily.
2. Personal and family prayer daily
3. Attend Sacrament Meeting weekly
4. Participate in family history and Temple work frequently
“Are they part of our normal lives? There are many other traditions that could be part of the normality we have adopted, thus letting God prevail in our lives.”
President Nelson: “Repent Daily, Keep and eternal perspective, magnify your callings, and live each day so that you are more prepared to meet your Savior.”
Followers of Christ should focus on Mosiah’s Book of Mormon counsel to be “steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works” (Mosiah 5:15)