Graduating Seniors

With the school year coming to an end for graduating seniors, we'd like to make them aware of Institute. The time after graduation is an important one for young adults to decide who they are, what they truly believe and to start the adulting experience by learning to choose to have a relationship with their Savior and not just follow their families to church.

Currently, there are a hundred and twenty on our institute roles with 75-95 attending each week. While credit is available for those attending a church school, most are attending simply for their personal enrichment and spiritual growth.

Starting May 1st, the following classes will be available:

  • Regular Institute with special topics appropriate to YSA’s

  • Mission Prep

  • Self Reliance Emotional Resilience; alternates with Temple Prep

A calendar of the classes being offered at Institute is maintained at www.FolsomLakeYSA.org

Institute takes place EVERY Thursday evening at Temple Hill per the following schedule:

6:30 - Dinner

7:00 - Institute, Mission Prep, Self Reliance

7:45 - Sports, Games and Activities

Those attending Institute Mission Prep will be put to work helping to find and rescue back into activity one of the nearly 400 YSA’s from our two stakes.